Are you interested in studying abroad? Come learn more about your options at our info sessions! The Know Your Options/Study Abroad sessions will give an overview of all of the study abroad possibilities available to you as an IC student.The London Center sessions will tell you what it is like to spend a summer or semester studying at the ICLC. And the Exchange Programs sessions will talk specifically about our exchange partner universities and the opportunities available to you through these full-immersion study abroad experiences. Come learn more about your study abroad options!
KNOW YOUR OPTIONS: Study abroad basics
LONDON CENTER: Study in the heart of London
EXCHANGE PROGRAMS: Full-immersion study abroad
STUDY ABROAD DROP-IN Q&A: Get your questions answered
STUDY ABROAD ICE CREAM SOCIAL: Hear from other IC students about their study abroad experiences
For more information, please contact the Office of International Programs at 274-3306 or
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of International Programs at 274-3306 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.