Weight Watchers Success Stories Live on September10th in Peggy Ryan Williams Center Room GLO52. Staff, students and faculty welcome!


Contributed by Christine Haase

(Submitted on behalf of Samarra Mbenga, leader of the Weight Watchers At Work program at Ithaca College)

Welcome Back! We had SSSSSsssslizzing hot summer and now it's time to transition into the beauty of fall. Falling in love with ourselves, our health and our bodies! Come hear the stories Live! Join us September 10th for the kick off of our satisfying, surprising, stupendous September!

For more information or questions contact Samarra Mbenga at 718-350-6095 or samarram@gmail.com. Mark your calendars - September 9th!

I can't wait to "Fall" into another successful season together! 

When: Tuesday, September 10th, 2013         

Times: 11:00am-11:25am (weigh in/registraion)
              1st meeting 1130am -12noon                                       


              12:15pm-12:25pm (weigh in/registration)
               2nd meeting 12:30pm - 1:00pm

Where: Peggy Ryan Williams Center Room GLO52 

Cost:  Only $39.95 per month including free eTools (online resource center) 
            Debit or Credit card is required to register. (this is only $9.98/per week)

If you are undecided, you are welcome to sit in on the meeting!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Christine Haase at haase@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-1378. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

