Nancy Jacobson. Presented, “Flipping the Classroom to Correct Student Misconceptions”. International Institute for SoTL Scholars and Mentors. Los Angles, CA. May-June. 2013.
Many misconceptions about science and evolution are difficult to dispel and inhibit students from applying what they learn to real-life situations. It is important for students to understand how questions and answers are driven by hypotheses which shape the scientific process and how disagreement is essential for scientific progress. By putting lectures on-line and using class time for active learning, i.e flipping, I should be able to challenge my students to understand the subject matter more deeply and correct some of their misconceptions whilst keeping an engaging class structure that is important for learning. In the laboratory, students will form hypotheses and test them in response to questions or problems, which should dispel misconceptions they have about science. So will flipping my classroom better allow my students to correct their misconceptions about science and evolution?