180 Degrees Consulting Info Night - FREE PIZZA THIS MONDAY


Contributed by Chelsea Hartman

180 Degrees Consulting is seeking enthusiastic, creative, and motivated consultants and team leaders to consult local nonprofit organizations during the Fall semester. 

Please join us at our info meeting on Monday, September 9th at 8pm in Business 111; pizza will be provided. 

To apply to be a consultant or team leader, visit http://180dc.org/village/apply and select Ithaca College from the drop down list.

180 Degrees Consulting is an international student run consultancy that works with non-profit organizations to strengthen their ability to achieve high impact social outcomes while given students hands-on, real-world experiences. This will be the Ithaca College chapter's 4th semester consulting.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact 180 Degrees Consulting at ithaca@180dc.org. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

