We have so much planned for Sukkot! Looking forward to seeing everyone this week!
MONDAY, September 16th:
We are building a Sukkah in front of Muller Chapel, in preparation for the Holiday of Sukkot. Building will begin at 3pm and Decorating will begin at 5pm! We will have materials but feel free to bring your own if you would like!
THURSDAY, September 19th:
Sushi in the Sukkah will begin at 6pm! Come learn how to make your own sushi! You MUST register using the link below to attend this event. Rain location will be Ithaca Falls Room in Campus Center. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DSgeyyauiT851v-hSRmonJMnm2qoJnnYHlsuui71epw/viewform
FRIDAY, September 20th:
POTLUCK Dinner in the Sukkah!
We will be having a Shabbat Potluck dinner in the Sukkah on Friday! We will begin at 7pm after services! (Our rain location will be inside Muller Chapel). Please register below on what you will be bringing! We will provide drinks and paper ware. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lnBngrHLogziVv0W1lU0To4ta2CwEmi5cBem1DAVfRk/viewform
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Hillel at hillel@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.