The Sustainability Café on Monday, October 14th will feature Jennifer Fee presenting “Citizen Science for Everyone!.” The Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM, in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar. The Fall 2013 Sustainability Café/Environmental Seminar series is focused on the concept of “Citizens + Community = Healthy Environment.”
Jennifer Fee, manager of K-12 Programs for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, has been working in the “Lab of O”’s education program for ten years. She is the lead author of the BirdSleuth curriculum, with modules including Afterschool Investigators: Nature Detectives (2012), Most Wanted Birds (2011), and Investigating Evidence (2007). She is interested in sharing citizen science and inquiry-based teaching with educators through curricula, online courses and webinars, and in-person workshops. She recently co-edited an NSTA Press book, Citizen Science: 15 Lessons that Bring Biology to Life, 6-12 (2013).
“Teachable edibles” – local, organic and/or seasonal snacks – for the Fall 2013 Sustainability Café series are being sponsored by Ithaca College Dining Services whose motto is “Sustainability – Healthy – Fresh.” Please bring your reusable mug and fill up at the nearest drinking fountain or provide your own beverage of choice.
This event is free and open to the public.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marian Brown at 607-274-3787 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Drink in a new way to think in the Sustainability Café.