“Repoliticizing Racial Justice in the Age of Obama” will be the topic of the next presentation in the yearlong Discussion Series sponsored by the Ithaca College Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE).
The talk by Daniel HoSang, associate professor of ethnic studies and political science at the University of Oregon, will be held on Monday, Oct. 14, at 7 p.m. in Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall. It is free and open to the public.
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For more information on the CSCRE Discussion Series, please visit: www.ithaca.edu/cscre/discussionseries/
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Claire Swensen at cswensen@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-1056. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.