Take advantage of the more than 350 concerts offered each year by the School of Music. A full listing of all concerts and events is available at www.ithaca.edu/music/events/ and this week's are listed below.
Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at www.ithaca.edu/music/live. Check the webcasting schedule for more information!
8:15 p.m. | Ford Hall
Special Event: Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings
H. Robert Reynolds, conductor
Emile Bernard: Divertissement
Georges Bizet: Jeux d'Enfants
William Alwyn: Concerto for Flute and Eight Wind Instruments
Jacques Ibert: Trois Pieces Breve
Jean Francaix: Seven Dances from "Les Malheurs de Sophie"
8:15 p.m. | Ford Hall
Wind Ensemble
Stephen Peterson, conductor
Steven Mauk, soloist
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Serenade No. 11 K. 375
David Sampson: Moving Parts
John Mackey: Concerto for Soprano Saxophone and Wind Ensemble
Webstreamed live at www.ithaca.edu/live, and available on-demand approximately four days after the concert
Michael Daugherty: Red Cape Tango
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the School of Music at 607-274-3717. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.