Halloween Candy Gram Sale! Send a friend or crush a Halloween-o-gram!!!


Contributed by Brittany Valente

Ithaca College's American Marketing Association is hosting a fundraiser, The Halloween Candy Gram Sale! 

$3 each bag of candy + a note to personalize

Send a bag of candy to any friend, faculty or crush for only $3. Your candy gram comes with a custom note that you can write and then we'll email the receiver to come pick up their candy.

SELLING: Oct 28-29 10AM-2PM
RECIPIENT PICK UP: October 30-31 10AM-2PM

Business School Atrium

Join our Facebook event! www.facebook.com/events/192713197582768/

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Brittany Valente at bvalent2@ithaca.edu or (914) 420-672. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

