Second Annual Pumpkin Contest Extraordinaire


Contributed by Heather Schuck

 If you're in the Main Lobby between 10am and 2pm on Thursday, Oct. 31, stop by our table and donate your spare change to your favorite carved pumpkin. Not only do the proceeds go to a good cause, but you can help that department win the grand prize trophy and a year of bragging rights.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Staff Council Caring and Sharing Committee at Ithaca College. The Caring and Sharing Holiday Assistance Program has been established to help our fellow employees who are facing unexpected financial emergencies during specific annual events. If qualified, an individual may receive assistance in the form of food, clothing, gift cards or other supplies, to be determined by the Caring and Sharing Committee. This program runs three campaign events, Back-to-School, Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season.

Decorated pumpkins will be displayed in the Main Lobby of the Campus Center between 10am and 2pm on October 29-31. "Votes" will be cast in the form of donations to your favorite pumpkin. A trophy will be awarded to the department whose pumpkin raises the most money. The winner will be announced on November 4th.

Come join us in this Fall tradition!