Are YOU looking for an interesting 3-credit course this winter session?


Contributed by James Pfrehm


During the weeks of January 6-17 I will be offering Introduction to Linguistics (LNGS 23200, CRN: 30023) as an online course. I structure the course content and policies with a lot of flexibility in mind, in order to allow you to work at your own pace and independently. There are live online lectures, but I record and post them on Sakai so you don't need to attend them in real-time if it's not convenient for you. Also, there are no exams or term papers; rather, there are a series of textbook readings and discussion sheets that you must complete and submit to Sakai. Also, the course counts for the old Gen-Ed system as a 3A, LA, or SS; and for the new Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC) it will count as a Humanities perspective in the World of Systems theme. 

If you're interested in registering for the course, there are still seats available. 

You can find information on Winter Session courses here:

Please send an email ( or stop by my office (Muller 301) with questions.