Mail Services 101 Information - 2 Sessions Offered


Contributed by Karen Serbonich

Are you new on campus as an administrative assistant? Or would you like a refresher on what we offer?

Did you know we sent out over 3 million pieces of mail last year?

Did you know the design of your mail piece or the size of the envelope can impact the cost of mailing it?

Are you aware that you can ship FedEx, DHL, UPS Campusship and certified mail from your desktop?

Come to one of the two sessions; Tuesday November 12 from 9-10am in the Six Mile Creek Room located in Campus Center or Friday November 15 from 1-2pm in the Six Mile Creek Room.

Learn useful information that will help us help you!
If you plan on attending or have a new administrative assistant, please register by sending an e-mail to or calling 274-3332 and leaving a message by Monday, November 11.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Karen Serbonich at or (607) 274-3332. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.