Want to go to CORTACA for free?


Contributed by Aviva Berkowitz


Did you forget to pick up your Cortaca ticket?

Don't want to pay a ridiculous amount for a ticket?

Do you want a safe environment to supporting your favorite team?

FWD: Fun Without Drinking will be hosting an ALTERNATIVE CORTACA event on Saturday, November 16th from 11:30-4pm in Taughannock Falls Room! 

This event is FREE! There will be FREE FOOD, GAMES, PRIZES, and we will be LIVE-STREAMING THE GAME.  


Fun Without Drinking (referred to as "forward") is a group for Ithaca College students who are looking to have Fun Without Drinking.  The goal of this group is to allow individuals to meet others who share similar beliefs to establish friendships and alternative activities. We have weekly meetings and host activities on the weekends. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Fun Without Drinking at funwithoutdrinking@gmail.com. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

