Personal Health, Disease and Lifestyle, and Critical Health Issues will be offered during Winter Session in January 2014.
The Dept of Health Promotion and Physical Education is offering 3 online courses during Winter Session 2014. Follow this link to register:
Designed to provide expert knowledge about health and health care that is available to the individual. Emphasizes wellness and health promotion in areas that concern students such as exercise, stress, nutrition, weight management, contraception, intimate relationships, HIV infection, drugs, and alcohol. Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore standing. 3 credits
HLTH 22900 - Disease and Lifestyle
Focuses on the leading causes of morbidity and mortality inthe world, with and emphasis on the United States. Emphasis is on health promotion through awareness of risk factors associated with these diseases. Topics reviewed include etiology, symptoms, morbidity and mortality rates, prevention, and commonly used methods of diagnosis and treatment. The course will include opportunities for hands-on learning and skill development in best practice screening techniques that are used in primary care settings (e.g., blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose monitoring). Prerequisites: Sophomore standing. 3 credits
HLTH 20500 - Critical Health Issues Examination of the health workforce, medical education, medical specialization, the rising cost of care, voluntary and governmental health insurance, health care delivery systems, and health care for the poor. 3 credits.