Prevention of Music-Related Injuries Courses


Contributed by Nicholas Quarrier

 Notification of January Session Online course or Block 1 Spring 2014 in -class course titled, Prevention of Music-Related Injuries (MUMC 41300)

 Prevention of Music-Related Injuries (MUMC41300) has recently been adapted to a 1.0 credit 2 week January online course. This is a self-paced course with no in person classroom attendance. Learn on your own time all about music-related injuries and the best ways to prevent them and take care of them. Find the course on Homer's January 2014 session.

    If you prefer, register for the in class version of the same course (1.0 credit) with the same course number; MUMC41300,  that occurs during Block 1 of Spring 2014 semester, Tues/Thurs mornings.  The in-class version is taught every other spring, so register now for 2014.

Any questions feel free to call: Nick Quarrier 274-3053 or email:

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nicholas Quarrier at or (607) 274-3053. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.