Initial faculty reviews of students’ ICC electronic learning portfolio submissions from Ithaca Seminar courses will be conducted January 9 and 10, 2014.
Sessions will begin with discussion of using the evaluation rubric, including norming activities, and evaluators will then review student artifact submissions. This is an excellent opportunity to help the faculty and the College learn more about student learning in the Ithaca Seminars and the learning portfolio initiative in general.
The January 9th session will run from 9am until 3pm and the January 10th session will be from 9am until 2pm. Lunch will be provided both days and faculty evaluators will be paid a stipend of $500 for their participation. Please contact with questions or to express your interest in participating.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Tammy Sritecha at or (607) 274-3113. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.