Open Seats in TVR Program Courses for Spring 2014


Contributed by Karen Armstrong

If you'd like to take a course in the TVR Program in the Spring 2014 semester, we have seats open in the following courses. 

TVR 10700--06 Intro to TV Studio Production, TR 8-9:50am, Block 1, CRN 43726

TVR11500-04 Intro to Field Production, MW 8-9:50am, CRN 42222

TVR 12200-03 Intro to Media Aesthetics & Analysis, TR 8-9:50am, CRN 42223

TVR 12400-01 Intro to Media Industries, M 3-3:50pm/TR 9:25-10:40am, CRN 42103

TVR 13100-03 Media Writing, MWF 8-8:50am, CRN 40232

If you'd like to register for any of these classes, please do so asap on HomerConnect.