December Work/Life Line: Holiday Eating with Diabetes


Contributed by Katie Sack

It’s December and the holidays are quickly approaching! While we all love holiday cheer and a break from work, this time of year often comes with an constant flow of sweet treats, specialty drinks, and other festive foods that can spell disaster for those with diabetes. Follow these tips to stay on track through the New Year:

Everyone, whether or not they have diabetes, can benefit from following these tips to saying healthy through the holidays! For more information on navigating the holidays with diabetes, check out these links:

PLEASE JOIN US! Come to our December Lunch and Learn to learn much more about diabetes!

December 5th – Business School Room 301:  Susan Dunlop and Theresa Lyczko of the Health Promotion Program at the Tompkins County Health Department will be speaking to us about the diabetes prevention program offered through the TC Health Department. Join us to learn more about these resources that can help you and your family stay healthy and diabetes-free!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Katie Sack at or (607) 274-1208. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.