Effective Thursday, January 2, 2014, current students will be able to submit a request to the Office of the Registrar for a preferred first name to be used for many online resources at the college. If you request such a change, your preferred first name, rather than your legal first name, will appear in such places as class lists for faculty, in the myHome Community tab, and in myHome and Ithaca College web directory searches. It will also change how your name appears in other resources such as those use by the library and the Office of Public Safety.
Other resources, such as student employee records in Parnassus and official records maintained by the Office of the Registrar and Student Financial Services must continue to use your full, legal first name. The form to request a preferred first name may be downloaded here: http://www/ithaca.edu/registrar/docs/studentforms/ or you may make your request in person at the Office of the Registrar.