If you might be interested in offering a one credit course that takes advantage of or connects with the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, there is still funding available. Please read the FLEFF mission statement below and contact Warren Schlesinger, FLEFF mini course coordinator at warren@ithaca.edu or at 4-3951 for more information.
FLEFF Mission Statement
The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival at Ithaca College embraces and interrogates sustainability across all of its forms: economic, social, ecological, political, cultural, technological, and aesthetic. The festival is in the spirit of UNESCO’s initiative on sustainable development. This initiative has redefined and expanded environmental issues to explore the international interconnections between war, disease, health, genocide, the land, water, air, food, education, technology, cultural heritage, and diversity. Through film, video, new media, installation, performance, panels, and presentations, the festival engages interdisciplinary dialogue and vigorous debate. It links the local with the global. And it showcases Ithaca College as a regional and national center for thinking differently—in new ways, interfaces, and forms—about the environment and sustainability.
FLEFF Theme for 2014
17th Annual Finger Lakes Environmental
Film Festival
March 31-April 6, 2014
2014 Festival Theme: DISSONANCE
Dissonance: Clash. Tension. Disharmony. Disequilibrium. Contradiction. Restlessness. Irresolution. Imbalance.
Neither noise nor cacophony, dissonance pairs together the incompatible with results that surprise, offend, invite, disturb and excite, spurring action and creativity.
Dissonance sparks and ignites.
Think of dissonance as the endless clashing of notes and chords in musical dissonance, of ideas in cognitive dissonance, of systems of life in cultural dissonance, of words in poetic dissonance.