Every year the college celebrates the history and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King in our MLK Day Celebrations. This year’s theme is a ‘Single Garment of Destiny’ and will feature many educational sessions that relate to Dr. King’s vision in our modern global society. These sessions are open to all members of the Ithaca College Community. For students, each presentation will count towards SLI Credit in the Leading in a Diverse World Series. To receive SLI credit for any of these events, please log into OrgSync and register for the sessions.
8:30am: Community Breakfast and Presentation
Location: Emerson Suites
10:00-11:30am: Conference Style Educational Sessions
Ithaca Falls Room
Pilgrim, Approach: Encountering Donald Judd and the Virgin of Guadalupe in Marfa, Texas
Presented by Josh Franco, Predoctoral Diversity Fellow, Art History
Klingenstein Lounge
Whose Dream Is It Anyway?
Presented by Derek Adams, Assistant Professor, English
Clark Lounge
Intertwined Destinies in an Age of Global Citizenship
Bhavani Arabandi, Assistant Professor, Sociology
12:00- 1:30pm: Lunch and a Movie
This presentation will feature the Freedom Riders documentary along with guest speaker, Tariq Meyers ’14.
Location: Kingenstein Lounge
2:00-3:30pm: Conference Style Educational Sessions
Klingenstein Lounge
Chains of Privilege and Oppression
Emily Quinn ‘16 and Kody Crawford ‘14, Diversity Peer Educators
Clark Lounge
Achieving Sustainability: Your Choices
Mark Darling, Sustainability Programs Coordinator
Ithaca Falls Room
African Immigrants in the United States
Petros Tesfazion, Predoctoral Diversity Fellow, Economics
Taughannock Falls Room
Gender Equality and Cultural Change
Michele Lenhart, Director of Student Leadership and Involvement, Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs
4:00pm: MLK Day Celebration Event
This event features the First Year MLK Scholars' Civil Rights Presentation & Keynote Speaker Librada Paz
Location: Emerson Suites
7:30pm: School of Music Concert
Ford Hall - This session does not count for SLI Credit
Saturday, January 25
8:45am- MLK Day of Service