The Ithaca College/Longview Partnership: Opportunities for Campus Community Involvement


Contributed by Christine Pogorzala

 Ithaca College has had a very successful programmatic partnership with Longview, a retirement community located on Danby Road, for the past 14 years. There are a number of opportunities for members of the Ithaca College Community to become involved at Longview.


Part of this relationship has involved an ongoing Faculty & Staff Lecture Series.  Lectures are scheduled on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Longview auditorium.

Volunteer speakers are now being recruited for February for one of the following dates: February 5th or 26th.  An appreciative audience is guaranteed!  Contact Chris Pogorzala, the IC/LV Coordinator if you would be interested in doing a presentation at Longview.  (274-1051,

Examples of past presentations include:

Humor in Qatar: Cultural Perceptions of Women and Women’s Voice by Mary Ann Rishel (Emerita Professor of Writing); Tools to Make Your Life Easier by Lynn Gitlow (Occupational Therapy); The OSIRIS-Rex NASA Asteroid Sample Return Mission by Beth Ellen Clark Joseph (Physics); Chasing the Ghost of Melesina Trench by Katharine Kittredge (English); and Activity Engagement in Cognitive Aging: A Review of the Evidence by Yvonne Rogalski (Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology).

Faculty members can involve their students at Longview through course related, and/or service learning projects.  Intergenerational discussion groups, tours of Longview, recreational and social activities planned by students, and student presentations or performances held at Longview are all possibilities. Chris Pogorzala will work with faculty and students to identify options and to facilitate scheduling, promotion of programs, and recruitment of Longview participants. 

On days that classes are in session there is a shuttle that provides transportation between Longview and the College from 8:40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on MWF and 9:05 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. on Tu/Th with regular stops at the Center for Health Sciences and Textor.  This shuttle is available to members of both the Longview and Ithaca College Communities.  The shuttle schedule is posted on the Gerontology Institute web site (  Please note that at the beginning of the semester it is sometimes necessary to adjust the shuttle schedule to meet the needs of ongoing riders; any permanent changes to this schedule will be posted on Intercom.

Contact for all of the above

Christine Pogorzala, Ithaca College/Longview Coordinator                                              
