Challah (is) Back!


Contributed by Jessie Kanowitz Tonjes

If you haven't heard already, Challah for Hunger is a new organization on campus focused on social justice and delicious baked goods. College and university chapters across the nation are baking challah (a sweet, sweet bread), selling it on campus, and using the proceeds to help fight hunger both locally and nationally.  Currently, the profits go to the genocide relief in Darfur through AJWS and the Food Bank of the Southern Tier.

We bake every Thursday in the Terrace Bakery at 5:45pm and sell it in Campus Center from 11-2pm every Friday!

You can sign up for our first bake by entering your name in the google doc (link below!) or contacting us via email at  

Even if you can't bake with us, don't forget that challah is for sale every Friday in Campus Center from 11-2! 

Sign up here!  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.