Important Reminder for Faculty: Ithaca College Institutional Animal Care and Use Protocols Must be received by February 14


Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor

Contributed by Wade Pickren, PhD
Director, Center for Faculty Excellence
Director, Sponsored Research

All faculty planning to conduct research or classroom activity involving live vertebrate animals for research and/or teaching must obtain prior approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before undertaking that activity. This committee provides federally-mandated oversight of all activities that have a direct impact on the well-being of animals.

Ithaca College’s animal use program is managed in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.  A link to federal guidelines can be found on the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee website –

Protocols for review must be received by Friday, February 14, 2014 by 5pm.  To request protocol forms or if you have questions about animal care and use policies, specific reviews, procedures, and all other technical matters, please contact

Should you wish to sign up for the IACUC mailing list to receive information about up-coming meetings and deadlines, please contact or call 607-274-1206.