Office of Career Services Moves to Division of Enrollment and Communication


Contributed by David Maley

The Office of Career Services will be moving from the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life to the Division of Enrollment and Communication, effective March 1. The move will enable the Office of Career Services to better serve students in charting their paths from college to future careers and further education.

Specifically, this move will enable the Office of Career Services to gain greater access to students as they enter the College, helping dispel the myth that career services are just for students nearing graduation.

Alignment in the same division with the Office of Marketing Communication will help us to reinforce the message that career exploration begins as students start their college experience.

The Office of Career Services will continue its work with departments across campus, including the Academic Advising Center, the Office of Alumni Relations, school-based internship and career advisors, and others who help prepare and connect our students to amazing opportunities. Career Services will also intensify its focus on creating networks of students and alumni that enhance the lifelong career development value of an Ithaca College education.