Thursday: Finding Place: Ken-dai-a, artist talk with Pamela Drix | 02/13 - 6.00 p.m.


Contributed by Jenny Stockdale

Handwerker Gallery’s 'artist talk' this Thursday, Feb.13, will feature the recently completed Master of Fine Arts thesis work by Department of Art lecturer Pamela Drix. 

Beginning at 6 p.m. in the gallery’s main lobby, Drix will present Finding Place: Ken-dai-a, illustrating her artistic practice that investigates the place of Ken-dai-a, a Native American site destroyed by General Sullivan during the Revolutionary War.

In her work, Drix is seeking to understand the relationship between place, image, and power, and how they are constructed and portrayed. Her artist talk presentation will aim to unpack these narratives, to reveal and question the unseen, forgotten, or the silenced narratives of the encoded landscape.

Artist Bio:
Pamela Drix is co-founder of the Ink Shop Printmaking Center and lecturer for Ithaca College's Department of Art, teaching drawing and printmaking.  She earned her BA from Kalamazoo College, an MA in Visual Arts from SUNY Oswego, and an MFA in Visual Studies from Lesley University College of Art and Design.  She has shown her work internationally in Berlin, Germany, Osaka, Japan, and Toronto, Canada, Nova Scotia, and numerous galleries and museums throughout the United States.  

Learn More

All Handwerker Gallery events are free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; and weekends, noon to 5:00 p.m. The gallery is closed to the public on Tuesdays unless otherwise specified for an event but can accommodate group or class visits by appointment.

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