Outlook Calendar Tip of the Week - Working with Recurring Meetings


Contributed by Tony Tabone

In a previous calendar tip, I explained how you can create a recurring meeting.  When doing so, it is recommended that you set an end date to your meeting series.  But what should you do if the recurrence is no longer necessary?

If you've scheduled a recurring meeting but would like to cancel all future occurrences of the series prior to the end date, avoid canceling the entire series.  Doing so will remove all of the previous meetings in the series that you did in fact hold and will remove those entries for all involved as well.  

A better way to end your meeting series is to adjust your end date.  By changing the end date of your series to the date of your actual final meeting, all unwanted meetings that occur in the future will be removed from your calendar and the calendars of those who've accepted your recurring meeting.  Previous meetings in the series will still exist in the past on your calendar, accurately reflecting the history of your calendar.


Every week, ITS provides a tip or trick for using the Outlook Calendar.  Training on Outlook Calendar is available in the Technology Learning Center (Friends Hall 101).  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Tony Tabone at atabone@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-1045. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

