Want to go to Harvard next weekend? Attend the Africa Business Conference with IBA!


Contributed by Brittany Valente

 Apply at https://www.ithaca.edu/business/clubs/iba/


What: Africa Business Conference 

Where: Harvard University in Cambridge, MA

When: Friday, February 28-Sunday, March 2

Cost: FREE! 

 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, February 25th @5pm


The IC International Business Association will choose from the given applications on Tuesday night and inform those accepted later that night.

The bus leaves IC on Friday morning at 8AM for Massachusetts. 


For more details, visit the website: http://www.africabusinessconference.com


Please contact IBA@ithaca.edu with questions. 


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Brittany Valente at bvalent2@ithaca.edu . We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

