The Effects of Quitting Smoking are Immediate - Wow Check This Out!
Contributed by Katie Sack
Congratulations! We posted our first "Quit Smoking" Intercom 4 weeks ago and if you've quit smoking for 4 weeks, you have probably already seen some of these great benefits of quitting:
- 20 minutes after quitting: Heart Rate will drop down to normal levels
- 12 hours: Carbon Monoxide levels in your body reduce to lower values, while blood oxygen levels increase to normal, decreasing your risk for serious cardiovascular problems
- 1 day: (ONLY 24 HOURS): Reduced risk for heart attack
- 48 hours: Your ability to smell and taste will improve
- 3 days: Nicotine will no longer be in your body
- 2-3 weeks: Improved circulation and lung function, which means you will breathe easier
- 1-9 months: Lungs start repairing, reducing your risk for infections, coughing and shortness of breath
Keep smoke free! You're doing great!
- 1 year: 50% reduced risk for heart disease
- 5 years: Your risk for stroke will be the same as someone who does not smoke
- 10 years: 50% reduced risk for lung cancer and other cancer risks
- 15 years: Your risk for heart disease will be the same as someone who does not smoke
If you are interested in quitting, tools and resources can be found on the Work/Life Blog, Mind Body Me Facebook Page and EAP page. Also check out the following resources:
"The time is right, right now. Stop waiting and start doing" - unknown