Attention Researchers: Explore Funding Opportunities with Free Trial of SPIN


Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor

Submitted on behalf of Wade Pickren, PhD, Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence/Sponsored Research:

Starting Monday, March 1, 2014 Ithaca College has subscribed for a free trial of SPIN which will expire on March 31, 2014. The higher cost of COS PIVOT, which we currently subscribe to, led us to investigate other alternatives. SPIN was selected because it offers similar functionality in funding searches and alerts at a fraction of the cost of PIVOT.

The SPIN database includes information on funding opportunities from federal, state, foundation, and other types of sponsors. The database is updated daily. Nationwide, universities use the SPIN database more than any other resource of its kind. It contains over 40,000 distinct opportunities from more than 10,000 global sponsors and provides both active searching as well as automated, daily opportunity notifications.

 You can access SPIN here at the link below or through the Ithaca College Sponsored Research site. 

SPIN Database

Upon using this trial period subscription, it would be helpful to let the Sponsored Research Office know if it would be something you would want to continue using.  You can email with your comments.  If so, once the trial period has ended, we will purchase a regular subscription.  

For users to establish an account you will want to follow these steps:

*       Go to
*       Click on the GENIUS link along the top of the page
*       Choose Create New Profile
*       Select your institution
*       Fill out the New Profile Registration Page - select the department listed
*       Click Submit
*       You will now be at a page called the Profile Summary Page - do not fill anything out on this page. Scroll to the bottom and click Log Out
*       Sponsored Research will now receive an e-mail and they will need to validate your profile. Once validated you will then be able to sign into SPIN for added functionality and remote access