What do recording artist Drake, First Lady Michelle Obama's cousin Capers Funnye, and performer Lenny Kravitz have in common...?
...All three are Black and Jewish. Michelle Obama's cousin is a rabbi at a synogogue in Chicago and Drake has rapped about his Judaism. Are you curious about how people understand, develop, and make sense of Black and Jewish identities in the United States? Dr. Bruce Haynes, associate professor of Sociology and African-American and Africana Studies (UC-Davis), will give a talk about Black Jewish identities. By combining personal narrative with interviews from a long-term research study, Dr. Haynes will discuss the complexities of these two minority identities.
Please join us for this presentation, co-hosted by Sociology and Jewish Studies. Co-sponsors include the Diversity Awareness Committee, Writing, Philosophy & Religion, Anthropology, Politics and the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity.
Tuesday, March 25, 7:30 pm
Klingenstein Lounge, Egbert Hall (Campus Center)
Free and open to the public; light refreshments will be served.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact Rebecca Plante, rplante@ithaca.edu, or 607-274-3311, as soon as possible.