The City of Ithaca plans to begin street cleaning operations on Monday, March 31, with streets on South Hill among the first on the schedule. The affected streets will be posted with “No Parking” signs 24 hours in advance of the cleaning. All vehicles parked on the street after 7:00 a.m. on the day of the scheduled cleaning will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense. The standard towing rate in the City of Ithaca is $100 plus sales tax, and storage fees are $25 per day.
Unfortunately, each year some students have their vehicles towed because they did not see or heed the posted signs. Students who park on the street should watch for signs and check on their cars daily from March 31–April 28, as cleaning operations will move throughout the city during the next five weeks.
May 31 and April 9 are the dates currently scheduled for cleaning of streets on South Hill. This work is weather permitting and may need to be rescheduled in case of inclement weather. If you will be away during this time, please make other parking arrangements for your vehicle.
People in need of long-term parking arrangements can call the City Chamberlain’s office at 274-6580 to inquire about the availability of long-term permits in the parking garages, or find information on the office’s website.
The complete street cleaning schedule is posted on the city’s website.
Questions or concerns about the street cleaning program can be forwarded to the Streets and Facilities Office at 272-1718.