Learn Something New From Your Friends: More than 350 Students will be Presenting at the 17th Annual James J. Whalen Academic Symposium.


Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor

The Whalen Symposium Program  is now available on the website.   

The Whalen Symposium celebrates the tradition of student research and creative activity at Ithaca College.  Come and show your support by attending one or more of the 200+ sessions of student posters, presentations, and performances on Thursday, April 10, from 8:45 AM - 3:30 PM in the Campus Center.

Facebook: JamesJWhalenAcademicSymposium

Twitter: @WhalenSymp_IC


The Symposium will feature presentations of research, creative writing, musical and theatre performances, and more, representing all disciplines, including the following selections:

The Struggle for (and Against) Achieving Womanhood: Female Agency in Fantasy for Younger Children by Kelly Kane; 

Unexpected Resolutions: A Comparative Harmonic Analysis of Wayne Shorter and Radiohead  by Rosemary Ward; 

Macbeth in Performance: an Exploration of Human Error by Drew Weinsten;

2 Parts Flour, 1 Part Methyl Parathion:  The Social Implications of Toxic Pesticide Accidents in Latin America  by Jeremy Betterley;

Relationships between Eating Disorders and Physical Activity on Ithaca College Campus from 2009-2013 by Brooke Appleman;

Reclaiming the Rainbow: Unweaving the Politics of Being LGBT by Aaron Lipford

Poster:  Management of an Athlete with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Case Study of a Collegiate Baseball Player by Robbie Williamson;

Poster:  A Cross-Cultural Study on Kindergarten Daily Activities in India and Japan by Brittany Greene 

                                  Whalen Symposium Schedule

8:45 – 9:15 am             Opening Ceremony/Keynote – Professor Sean Eversley Bradwell

9:25 – 10:40 am           Sessions 1 and 2

10:50 – 12:05 pm         Sessions 3 and 4

12:10 – 1:00 pm           Session 5

1:10 – 2:25 pm             Sessions 6 and 7

2:35 – 3:30 pm             Sessions 8

3:30 – 4:00 pm             Closing Reception/Awards

Website: ithaca.edu/provost/whalensymposium

Visit the Events Calendar

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact MaryAnn Taylor at mataylor@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3113. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

