ENVS’s natural history and wildlife ecology guru Jason Hamilton will be teaching two classes this spring/summer that can bring you into closer contact with the local landscape.
Jason will teach ENVS 142, The Art and Science of Tracking during “Maymester.” This class is designed to specifically get you started learning the techniques of a wildlife tracker. As one person put it, "tracking is to environmental studies as math is to engineering." That is, the skill of the tracker is foundational for studying the entire human-environment system that we consider in our field. Much more than just determining whether a track is a cat or a dog, you will learn how to start interpreting the history of wildlife interactions in the field and your personal interactions with others.
In June Jason will teach ENVS 140, Introduction to Herbalism, a class that goes well beyond theory and concepts. You will learn how to create many plant medicines, how to deal with simple ailments, and herbal first aid. Learning some herbalism is a great way to deepen your connection with the natural world, and to be able to help yourself, your friends, and your family!
Email Jason at jhamilton@ithaca.edu for more information on either course.