The "Arab spring," credited with beginning at the end of 2010, has involved civil uprisings in 18 countries, the removal of five heads of state, and waves of populist resistance in countries far from the Middle East, including our own. It's hard to keep track. There are few people better equipped to help make sense of it all than Stephen Zunes, PhD, one of the foremost U.S. scholars of Middle East affairs and of strategic nonviolent action.
Dr. Zunes will speak in Textor 102 on Wednesday, April 16, 7:00 p.m., on "Democracy Uprisings in the Middle East: Victories and Setbacks."
A prolific writer and frequent guest on politically oriented radio and TV shows in the USA and abroad, Stephen Zunes is a professor of politics and international studies at the University of San Francisco. He will discuss particularly the precarious political situations in Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Syria, and Palestine.
Students are especially encouraged to attend and join in the Q&A following the lecture.
The event is being cosponsored by the Department of Politics and the Park Center for Independent Media. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation are asked to contact Brandy Hawley,, 607-274-3590, as much in advance as possible.