Take a few minutes and write a "Love Letter"!!


Contributed by Joelle Albertsman

"IC Love at First Sight"....NEEDS YOUR HELP! :)

The First-Year Residential Experience is collaborating with IC More Love Letters -- a student organization with IC Campus Cursive -- to provide a "love letter" for every first-year student room for their arrival on August 24th!  We're calling this initiative, "IC Love at First Sight"!

That means we need to write 1,077 love letters!!...WE COULD USE YOUR HELP!

Perhaps you would like to host a family letter writing party over the summer!!  Perhaps you just love writing letters the "old fashioned" way!  Perhaps you are looking for ways to occupy your children over the summer break or a reason to get together with friends and have a project to do!

If you wish to participate, "IC More Love Letters" and FYRE would love the help of your hand...in writing a letter or two (or more!) We can provide stationery for you or you are welcome to use your own. We encourage you to think about a positive and/or motivating message to send to a first-year student or group of students as they embark on their first major transition of their lives!  Every letter will be reviewed before being distributed.

You are welcome to mail or drop off donated letters to: Joelle Albertsman, Ithaca College, 953 Danby Rd., Residential Life, 2001 East Tower, Ithaca, NY 14850...by August 15, 2014.

If you have any questions, you may contact Joelle Albertsman at jalbertsman@ithaca.edu.


PS: For yet more information about this national initiative, The World Needs More Love Letters, visit them at http://www.moreloveletters.com/welcome/about/

