Dr. Yuko Mulugetta has won the Best IR (Institutional Research) Award


Contributed by Leslie D'Arcy

Dr. Yuko Mulugetta, Director of Enrollment Planning at the Division of Enrollment and Communication, presented the research paper entitled “Going Test-Optional: Gathering Evidence and Making the Decision at Ithaca College” at the 40th NEAIR (Northeast Association for Institutional Research) Conference in Newport. 

This research paper has recently won the Best IR/Practitioner Award.  Dr. Matthew Hendrickson,   NEAIR’s Best Paper Awards Chair, has commented, “We would like to offer our congratulations and appreciation for such a fine paper.  Going Test-Optional: Gathering Evidence and Making the Decision at Ithaca College was clear, well-constructed, and can be of benefit to the entire NEAIR membership.”

Congratulations, Yuko!

Eric Maguire

Vice President, Enrollment and Communication


