Ryan Norland, physical therapy graduate student, recently traveled to San Francisco, CA on April 10-11, 2014 for the Third Annual Symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation hosted by the University of California, San Francisco. Ryan was awarded a travel grant to help finance his trip, so that he could learn about new research going on in the field of Regenerative Rehabilitation.
Regenerative Rehabilitation is an aspect of the healthcare system that is unfolding quite rapidly with continuous support from a variety of healthcare professionals and students. This emerging field involves numerous areas in the healthcare system. Tissue engineering, biological scaffolds, artificial organs, cell therapies and much more are all examples of Regenerative Rehabilitation. Researchers from around the country came to the symposium to speak about their current work. This conference was created to encourage discussion, intersection and networking between researchers, clinicians, physicians, physical therapists and students.
Dr. Fabrisia Ambrosio, who visited Ithaca College in early December, was one of the speakers at this conference. Dr. Ambrosio is currently a faculty member in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pittsburgh. She is also a faculty member at the McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine. Ambrosio's research has the long-term goal of developing Regenerative Rehabilitation approaches to improve the skeletal muscle healing and functional recovery. To learn more about this symposium or Ryan Norland’s experience, please see the website below or contact Rnorlan1@ithaca.edu.