Teaching Online this Summer? Come to some hands-on sessions in the CET


Contributed by Marilyn Dispensa

Summer sessions start as early as May 13 so it isn't too early to start planning and setting up your courses. These 90 minute sessions will offer some tips for successful online courses and using Sakai effectively. Participants will have ample time to plan and/or build their courses.  Come to one or all. Sessions are in Job Hall 102 (CET - Center for Educational Technology)

Online Teaching Working Sessions

Additional upcoming sessions include:

If you can't make any of these sessions or have ideas for additional topics, please contact Marilyn Dispensa (mdispensa@ithaca.edu).

Technology-Enhanced Learning & Engagement (TELE) Collaborative: Provost’s Office (Rob Gearhart), CFE (Wade Pickren), Library (Lis Chabot), ITS (Mike Taves, Beth Rugg, Marilyn Dispensa, Matt Gorney, Mary Jo Watts)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marilyn Dispensa at mdispensa@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3647. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

