Have you always wanted to learn to contra dance, but never had the chance? Do you already know how to contra dance and want to shake off some end-of-the-semester energy by dancing for a while this Friday night? Or do you want to come hear some great music and watch while others dance? Come on down.
Fishbowl, the Ithaca College contra band, will be playing for a contra dance ON CAMPUS this Friday, from 9-11 in the IC Pub. Admission is free, but contributions to pay for the caller are very welcome. Come join us! The caller will be teaching the dances as we go. It's so easy, and you'll have so much fun! Everyone is welcome.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rachel Wagner at rwagner@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3249. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.