This summer free classes will be offered at the Fitness Center for faculty and staff. Three yoga classes will be offered and one tai chi class.
The schedule is as follows:
Starting Monday, May 19 tai chi will be offered from 12pm until 1pm.
Starting Wednesday, May 14 Iyengar Yoga will be offered from 1pm-2:30pm on Wednesdays and Friday.
Gentle yoga will be offered on Thursdays from 12pm-1pm starting Thursday, May 15.
Gentle yoga began last semester and here is a description of the class:
This class focuses on relaxing into poses. Many of the yoga poses ask for strength and flexibility and indeed, strength and flexibility are helpful in beginning a yoga practice. However, this class uses blankets, bolster pillows and gently encouraging words to shape the body into the poses. Mindful breathing and moments of silence round out this refreshing and deeply relaxing class, erasing stress and moving the body and mind towards balanced health.
It is an exploration of guided relaxation and can be appropriate for those with chronic, stress-related conditions. The class will be taught for beginners, carefully and slowly, but is appropriate also for yoga teachers and advanced practitioners wishing to return to alignment principles that ease the body and mind into their proper balance.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Brad Buchanan at or (607) 274-3275. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.