Beth Rugg going to University of North Carolina, Charlotte.


Contributed by Michael Taves

Beth Rugg, Assistant Director of Technology and Instructional Support Services, ITS, has accepted a position as Assistant Vice Chancellor of Client Engagement in Information and Technology Services at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

As the head of our user services group in ITS, for almost thirteen years Beth has provided outstanding leadership focused on quality service to all campus technology users.  She has been responsible for managing almost all of the major new technology rollouts on campus that had a direct impact on the user community over that time.   She is off to assume a very large leadership role of a similar nature at UNC, Charlotte.  Her last day on campus will be June 4th.  For those of us in ITS it is with sorrow that we see her go, but also with pride because we know that she will knock their socks off at UNCC.

A reception for Beth will be held in the Klingenstein Lounge on Thursday, May 29, 2:00 to 4:00 PM.  Please join us in giving her a rousing good send off.