Board of Trustees Addresses Campus Master Plan, Student Conduct Code


Contributed by Office of the President

At its May meeting, the Board of Trustees engaged with a number of matters of significance to the College. In addition to electing new trustees and approving faculty promotions, which will be communicated in separate Intercom postings, the board discussed the master plan for campus development and approved changes to the Student Conduct Code.

Board members heard from and provided input to representatives of the planning and project management firm Perkins Eastman, which the College has retained to assist with the facilities master planning process. They had been on campus in April to hold meetings with a number of stakeholders, and gave trustees an update on the progress of their work.

We expect a great deal of data gathering to take place over the course of the summer months, with a kickoff event planned for the entire campus community in the fall. Gerald Hector, vice president for finance and administration, will be communicating to the campus about that event.

Trustees were also updated on College policies and practices for monitoring and assessing risk, and took action to approve updates to the Student Conduct Code. The changes were developed, in part, with an eye toward making more explicit the College’s expectations of respectful treatment among students.

Key additions to the code include sections related to bullying, cyber bullying, and stalking. Such behaviors are not protected by freedom of expression, and are cause for disciplinary action. The code was also revised to more clearly state the philosophy of the Ithaca College judicial process as being not intended to punish students, but rather to protect the entire College community.

In other actions, the board endorsed undertaking the leadership phase of the comprehensive fund-raising campaign through May of 2017, and conducted its annual assessment of progress on the IC 20/20 strategic vision.