Summer orientation is here!


Contributed by Erica Shockley

Please join the orientation staff as we welcome this year’s new and transfer students into our community over the next month.

Logistical Updates:

Monday, June 16 kicks off the season with Transfer Orientation, and the first new student session begins at noon on Wednesday, June 18.

Family members and students have been asked to park in O-lot, and students will be housed in the lower quads: Lyon, Clark, Bogart, and Eastman.

Updated schedules will be posted on the REALLY COMPREHENSIVE orientation website this week.

Recognition and Appreciation:

The orientation staff would like to express our sincere gratitude for everyone who presented to the Orientation Leaders during our 2-week training program.  They are feeling confident, prepared, and excited to work with our students and their family members.  Check out their pictures on the new orientation website!

On this website, you will also find a list of all the dedicated faculty advisors who will be advising our students on Day 2 and Day 3 each session.  THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ALL OF YOUR GOOD WORK!

Special recognition goes out to Center for Print Production for working very hard to make sure we received all of our "materials" before orientation began this week.

Finally, we appreciate every effort YOU do to help us welcome these new community members to the Bomber Family!  Students and family members consistently comment on how “nice and helpful” folks on campus are during their visit. 

We can present every information session, feed them every 3 hours, provide encouragement and support, and facilitate activities that encourage engagement and connection.  However, it is the small, informal interactions that really define a student’s experience.  It is the friendly faces, help with directions, time taken to explain a process, and our sincere interest in their experience that makes all the difference.