The Department of Physical Therapy (PT) recently experienced the departure of three faculty members. At the end of May, Dr. Deborah Nawoczenski and Dr. Ernest Nalette retired, and Dr. Karen Nolan pursued her career at another institution.
Dr. Nalette (left), an IC-PT alum’72, joined the PT faculty as an associate professor in 1998 before earning tenure in 2004. Over the past nine years, he was the Director of the Rochester Center.
Dr. Nawoczenski (center) joined the PT faculty as an associate professor in 1993, earned tenure in 1996 and was awarded the title of professor in 2004. She is an accomplished researcher and the author of many publications. She was instrumental in the development of the departmental Movement Analysis Laboratory on the Rochester campus.
Dr. Nolan (right), an IC-PT alum’80, joined the PT faculty as an assistant professor in 1997; she earned tenure and title of associate professor in 2005. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she served as Physical Therapy Discipline Coordinator in the University of Rochester LEND program. In the past two years, she acted as Co-Chair of Graduate Studies.
“The commitment of these three faculty members to teaching, scholarship and service over the past two decades assisted the PT program to grow into the rich learning community it is today. We will miss them and wish them the best in their future endeavors.” Hélène Larin, Department Chair.