"Better learn balance. Balance is key." ~Mr. Miyagi
Join us for a Work/Life Mission Series event, Balancing Work and Life presented by Victoria Emmons from eni. In this presentation, eni will discuss how to balance work/life. There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear. Today, work is likely to invade your personal life, making it so maintaining a work/life balance is no simple task. The evidence of work/life imbalance in the workplace includes increases in workplace violence, co-worker conflict, and increases in absenteeism. Still, work/life balance isn’t out of reach. During this training you will begin by evaluating your relationship to work, your family, and learn how you care for yourself and bring harmony back into the work/life relationship.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm
HR Conference Room (PRWC, GL52)
RSVP to benefits@ithaca.edu
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Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Katie Sack at ksack@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-8000. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.