Vivian Bruce Conger, History, Presents Second Paper at Professional Conference


Contributed by Vivian Bruce Conger

Vivian Bruce Conger presented “‘Amos Strutel . . . sed the money muste be paid so I wente down and paid him the 18 pounds’:  Mapping the Economic World of Deborah Franklin,” at the 36th annual meeting of the Society for Historians for the Early American Republic (SHEAR), in Philadelphia, July 19, 2014.


Conger’s pre-circulated paper was part of a panel on “Women and Economic Spaces in Early Republican Philadelphia.”  She traced the economic networks created by Deborah Franklin, mapping the people to whom and from whom she bought goods and services, people who owed her money and people to whom she owed money.  In addition to a visual representation using GIS methodology, she analyzed those connections using social network technology to understand the depth and breadth of those relationships.  Being able to explore these connections spatially helped explain the significance of Deborah’s quotidian life set firmly in the vibrant economic world of eighteenth-century Philadelphia.  After a brief presentation by each panelist, a lively and intellectually stimulating discussion with the chair of the panel, co-panelists, and the audience followed.


Conger especially thanks Ali Erkan, Computer Science, for all the hard work he did in helping her with this project