Congratulations to Mike McCall on being named the new Director of The School of Hospitality Business in the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University.
Currently serving as Professor and Chair of the Department of Marketing and Law, Mike came to Ithaca College in 1989 as Assistant Professor. Mike is also a visiting scholar and research fellow at the Center for Hospitality Research at Cornell University.
He has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Socio-Economics, and the Cornell Hospital Quarterly and has authored several papers with Broad marketing professors Roger Calantone and Clay Voorhees. Mike serves on the editorial board of the Service Industries Journal and the Journal of Applied Marketing Theory and consults with a variety of service organizations on marketing strategy, pricing, brand loyalty, and methods for increasing customer evaluations of value.
Please wish us a fond farewell to Mike as he officially joins MSU on January 1, 2015.