ENVS faculty Jake Brenner is co-author of article on combating "nature deficit disorder" among college students in the journal Research in Geographic Education


Contributed by Carol Hansen

Jake Brenner, Assistant Professor of Geography in the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, was invited to a workshop in 2013 sponsored by the Gilbert M. Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education for early-career faculty with interests in geography teaching and learning. A collaborative article from that workshop, titled "Improving Geography Education Research across the Different Elements of Geography," was recently published in the Grosvenor Center's journal, Research in Geographic Education. The article included a case example from Jake's work with Environmental Sentinels (ENVS 120), an IC course in which wilderness awareness skills are used to teach local natural history and ecology in an attempt to combat "nature deficit disorder." Full reference information is below. The case appears on pages 23-25.

Heffron, S., J. C. Brenner, M. Crocco, C. McClure, D. J. Rutherford, M. Scholz, K. Somdahl-Sands, and K. Sparks. 2013. “Improving Geography Education Research across the Different Elements of Geography.” Research in Geographic Education 15 (2): 16–28.

