The Gerontology Institute receives a partner grant from the Human Services Coalition Health Planning Council (HPC)


Contributed by Kimberly Anderson

The Gerontology Institute received a $6000 partner grant from the Human Services Coalition Health Planning Council (HPC) to coordinate and host the Falls Prevention Workshop Series with continuing education credits for physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other healthcare professionals. The Falls Prevention Workshop Series is supported by the Tompkins County Falls Prevention Coalition, led by the Health Planning Council of the Tompkins County Human Services Coalition and the following project partners: Tompkins County Office for the Aging, Lifelong, Finger Lakes Independence Center, Community Health and Home Care, and the Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response. The Tompkins County Falls Prevention Coalition has been part of the Health Foundation of Western and Central New York “Step Up to Stop Falls” collaborative since 2010. 

The Falls Prevention Workshop Series will be held in September and October, 2014. All workshops will be held at the Country Inn and Suites, 1100 Danby Road. For more information and to register, visit or contact Teri Reinemann, or 274-1607.